Jihad interview of 1998
- August 5, 2024
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Questions & Answers on Jihad
September, 1998: Chris Gagne, a Research Associate working at The Henry L. Stimson Center of Washington, DC asked the following questions to Iftekhar Hai, President of United Muslims of America Interfaith Alliance of South SF, CA. Here are questions and their answers. These were posted on their Web site.
CG: What does Islam say about war or jihad?
IH: Like the United Nations Charter, Islam permits fighting in self-defense, in defense of human rights, or on the part of those who have been expelled forcibly from their homes. It lays down strict rules of combat that include prohibitions against harming civilians, against destroying forest, crops and livestock. As Muslims see it, injustice would triumph in the world if good people were not prepared to risk their lives in a righteous cause. Example: US saving the Balkans from genocide and US helping defeat Nazi Germany. But the war with Vietnamese people to defeat communism will not be considered just war or Jihad.
Quran states, “Fight in the cause of God (to uphold justice and defeat aggressors) against those who fight you, but do not transgress limits, God does not love transgressors. 2:190
“And fight them (murderers, plunders, looters and usurpers) until persecution is no more. And if they cease to fight you, then let there be no hostility against the wrong doers.” 2:193. In American language this means, “Do not let anyone run over you.” Muslims are also commanded to act peacefully if the enemy seeks peace, “If they seek peace, then you also seek peace.” 8:61. Do your work with utmost sincerity and put your trust in God.
War (just wars/jihad) is therefore, the last resort, it is subjected to rigorous conditions laid down by the sacred law. The often misunderstood and overused term JIHAD literally means, “Struggle.” It does not mean aggressive Holy war. Jihad, as an Islamic concept has three different levels. One kind of Jihad is of spiritual nature, example of an individual struggling to cleanse oneself against evil, in thoughts, words and deeds. Another form of Jihad is to struggle for decency and fairness on social level. It is telling the entertainment, cigarette or alcohol industry not to target children/youth for financial gains. Actively getting involved in establishing a fair and just society by passing legislation that are good for all humanity. The best example is that of providing basic needs to society. Providing food, clothing and shelter to the needy. Thirdly, Jihad also means to defend oneself when attacked, to uphold the Law and human rights, and also to stand against injustice, tyranny and oppression. This principle of self-defense is universally accepted in the Charter of Human Rights of United Nations.
CG: Under what circumstances is Jihad invalid? When Jihad can be called off?
IH: Jihad becomes invalid when head of the state or person vested with authority calls it off. When he/she sees that injustice, tumult and oppression can cease through negotiation and dialogue. The oppressor sincerely means to solve the problems through peaceful means and not take advantage of the situation. The oppressor also promises to restore human rights for all its citizens irrespective of caste, creed, and religion, ethnic and racial divisions. Here the assumption is, war is going on and people are been driven out of their homes, looted, plundered, robbed and raped. The defenders of human rights promise the oppressed that there will be restitution of their rights.
CG: What are the main objectives of declaring Jihad?
IH: The main objective of declaring a Jihad is to say, injustice, tumult and oppression will not be tolerated. There are people ready to sacrifice their lives so that the society may live in peace, harmony and tranquility. Example: The French Revolution by the people was a Jihad. The American War for Independence from the tyrannical British rule was a Jihad. Indians, both Muslims and Hindus, standing up to the exploitation of Great Britain during the days of OCCUPATION of India was a Jihad. The Jewish people struggle against Nazi Germany in the ghettos was a Jihad. Allied forces who fought bravely to defeat Nazis was a Jihad. The American Civil War to restore human dignity to the African slaves who were exploited day and night by the slave owners was a form of Jihad.
CG: Under what circumstances can Jihad cease? If the chances of success is poor and death toll among innocents is high, are there Islamic provisions for ending Jihad even though the goal has not been reached? Could Jihad be temporarily suspended so that new non-violent and peaceful ways can be attempted?
IH: Jihad can cease immediately if peaceful means of addressing the problems are implemented and when injustice, tumult and oppression cease. Needless bloodletting is not permissible in Islam. Although Islam allows fighting in self-defense, nevertheless, Prophet Mohammed also preached saying, “Ink of a scholar is holier (better) than blood of a martyr.” This means that needless killing based on hatred, bias and bigotry is not permissible at all. Islam encourages dialogues and arguments in the most honorable ways backed with wisdom. Jihad, in the past was misused. We need to promote a better society in peaceful and democratic ways. We need to reform the definition of the word Jihad so that tyrants, hypocrites and evildoers do not misuse it.
Chris Gagne, the below verse of the Quran in my mind is what struggle/jihad is all about. Let me know if you have any further questions.
The Quran supports such liberating movements in 42: from 39 to 42,”Those who resist oppressive wrongs which is inflicted on them, and, help defend themselves by fighting back and subdue the tyrants. However, then forgive and make reconciliation. Their reward is due from God – God does not love those who do aggressive wrongdoers. The blame is only against those who oppress and insolently transgress beyond bounds through their lands, defying righteousness and rule of law. For such people there is a grievous penalty. But indeed if any show patience and forgives – that will truly be an exercise of courageous will-power and (peaceful) resolution in the conduct of (oppressive) affairs.